Run away from that leprosy, by Gabriel Agbo |

We saw how Gehazi, the Elisha’s servant, brought the generational curse of leprosy upon himself, his children, and his descendants forever, just because of greed, deception and disloyalty. God had used Prophet Elisha to cure Naaman, an Aramean army general, of his leprosy. The soldier with joy and gratitude brought gifts to the man of God, which he rejected. As the general (now a new convert) was going home, promising to serve the God of Israel, the greedy Gehazi ran after him.
Gehazi met him and lied to him that his master Elisha sent him to collect some of those gifts he had earlier rejected. He collected and hid them.
But as he was coming in, the prophet told him all about his treacherous actions and promptly issued a generational curse upon him.
“Because you have done this, you and your children and your children’s children will suffer from Naaman’s leprosy forever’ When Gehazi left the room, he was leprous; his skin was as white as snow.” — 2 kings 5:27.

Gehazi was indeed a treacherous person. Greed pushed him to run after Naaman. When he caught Naaman, he lied with his master’s name and when he was coming back he hid the ill-gotten gifts. As if that was not enough, he again lied to his master, who was asking him where he was coming from. I wonder what he had been learning from the prophet while he was with him. He was indeed deceptive, disloyal and treacherous. For all these, he succeeded in destroying his and his descendants’ destinies forever. Falsehood, deception, disloyalty and betrayal can never go unpunished. Never!
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The Gibeonites also resorted to deception to save themselves from the Israelites and that action eventually turned them and their generations into wood choppers and water carriers. Be careful! See it: “Joshua did not allow the people of Israel to kill them. But that day he made the Gibeonites the woodchoppers and water carriers for the people of Israel and for the altar of the LORD – wherever the LORD would choose to build it. That arrangement continues to this day.” — Joshua 9:26-27.
Paying Evil for Good
Another treacherous act that brings generational curse upon an individual, family or people is paying evil for good. That is when you deliberately reward somebody who has done well to you with evil. This brings terrible curses not just to the individual, but to their family. The bible said in Proverbs 17:13: “If you repay evil for good, evil will never leave your house.”
That is, you must make sure that you always repay good for good. You must make sure that you don’t betray a person who has favoured you. If you do otherwise, the bible says that evil will come to your house, family and make a permanent abode. Some other translations say that it (evil) will remain in your house (family). And house here again means family and you know that anything that has to do with the family has already gone generational; because it will affect the children, children’s children and may go on and on. You must always ensure, without fail, that you repay good for good. Even the bible said that we should go beyond that to do well to those who did evil to us. True!
David had this terrible experience from the people he favoured. They paid him evil for good and he consequently asked God to give them their due reward – punishment (curses). Let us read Psalm 35:12-13: “They repay me with evil for the good I do. I am sick with despair. Yet when they were ill, I grieved for them. I even fasted and prayed for them, but my prayers returned unanswered. I was sad, as though they were my friends or family, as if I were grieving for my own mother.”
Then in Psalm 109:1-5: “O God, whom I praise, don’t stand silent and aloof while the wicked slander me and tell lies about me. They are all around me with their hateful words, and they fight against me for no reason. I love them, but they try to destroy me – even as I am praying for them! They return evil for good, and hatred for my love.”
Like I said earlier, David had a dose of treachery from men. From his son to his friends, his advisers to adversaries. Even King Saul, while David was showing him kindness, was busy making every possible plan to terminate the young boy’s life out of jealousy. David then called upon God to defend and fight for him. Every victim of treachery makes one form of prayer or the other, even if it is not audible. And most times, it is a call against the treacherous person. A call for justice and God’s defence, and it is always answered. David said, “God don’t stand silent and aloof.” Did God answer him? Yes! Just check out how all his enemies, including the treacherous ones, ended. Jesus, Paul, and others also reaffirmed that a betrayer is cursed. In fact, Jesus said that He knew that He was going to be betrayed, but cursed is the man that would allow himself to be used as the instrument; that it would be better if he was not born. Treachery will always attract curses upon a person and his next generations.
In the case of Ham, it made them servants. For Gehazi and his descendants, it was leprosy. Gibeonites – woodchoppers and water carriers. And for those who pay evil for good, they and their next generations shall have evil dwelling permanently in their families. Watch the treacherous person and his descendants; it has never been well with them. For whatever a man sows, that he must surely reap. Be careful! Now, you have the opportunity to pray for forgiveness of those treacherous acts of yours, your parents and your family. Bow your head and admit to the Lord that you are sorry for those ungodly acts. Ask him to remove any sin that is against your bloodline. And if you have inherited anything that does not glorify him, ask him to remove it from you, your children and your children’s children. Renew your pledge to His kingdom and government, then stand and guard against the devices of the enemy. We will continue next week. God bless!
. Rev. Agbo is the author of the books/audiobooks: Power of Midnight Prayer, Receive Your Healing, Breaking Generational Curses: Claiming Your Freedom, Never Again!, I Shall Not Die, Move Forward, Power of Sacrifice and many others; Tel: 08037113283; Facebook: Gab Agbo; E-mail:; Website:; Twitter: pastorgabagbo; WhatsApp: 08164819333.
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