
5 lies about penis size you probably believe

Lies about penis size you probably believe [DNA]

When it comes to penis size, myths and misconceptions have been flying around for ages.

Some men worry they are too small, others assume bigger means better, and some even try crazy methods to increase their size, thanks to false information spread everywhere.

But what if we told you that most of these so-called “facts” are actually just lies? That the things you’ve heard about size, performance, and what women supposedly prefer are not backed by science?

Here are seven of the biggest lies about penis size that you’ve probably believed, and why you should stop worrying about them.

1. Bigger is always better

5 lies about penis size you probably believe

One of the biggest lies out there is that a larger penis automatically means better performance. The truth? Size doesn’t equal skill.

In reality, sexual satisfaction is about technique, chemistry, and communication, not just size. Studies have shown that most women care more about foreplay, emotional connection, and overall experience than penis length. In fact, some women find very large sizes uncomfortable during sex.

2. Shoe size (or hand size) determines penis size

You’ve probably heard someone say, “If he has big feet, he must be packing.” But let’s get real, this is just another lie.

Scientific studies, including one from the British Journal of Urology International, found no real connection between foot size, hand size, or height and penis length. Some men with small hands and feet have larger-than-average penises, while some tall guys with big shoes are below average.

The only way to know a man’s size is… well, to actually see it.

3. Penis size can be increased with pills or creams

Pills, creams, oils, and even 'magical

Walk into any men’s health shop or search online, and you’ll find pills, creams, oils, and even “magical” herbal mixtures claiming to increase penis size. Spoiler alert: None of them work.

There is no scientific proof that any supplement or topical product can permanently enlarge the penis. Most of these are scams preying on men’s insecurities.

The only medically proven methods for lengthening a penis involve surgery or stretching techniques, which come with risks and don’t always give dramatic results.

4. You stop growing after puberty

Most men believe that whatever size they reach after puberty is final, but here’s a surprising fact: some slight growth can continue into your early 20s.

While puberty is the main growth phase, the body doesn’t completely stop developing overnight. Some men experience minor changes in girth or length as late as their early 20s, especially if they have hormonal imbalances or late puberty.

On the flip side, some men experience shrinkage over time due to aging, weight gain, or poor circulation.

5. All women want a huge penis

5 lies about penis size you probably believe

It’s easy to believe that all women dream of a giant-sized partner, thanks to unrealistic adult films and social media hype. But the reality? Most women don’t want or need an excessively large penis for pleasure.

In fact, a study from the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that many women prefer an average size for long-term partners, as too much size can cause discomfort or pain.

There are safer, non-surgical options for improving size perception, like:

  • Losing weight (a fat belly can hide penis length)

  • Kegel exercises (improves control and performance)

  • Shaving pubic hair (makes length look more prominent)

  • Using the right sex positions (enhancing depth perception)

Men often worry too much about penis size, but most of the things we’ve been told about it are just myths. Bigger isn’t always better, and no magic pill can make you bigger overnight.

So instead of stressing over what you can’t change, focus on what you can improve: your technique, fitness, and self-confidence.

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