Man shot by his dog while lying in bed

In what is only the latest instance of a kind of accidental shooting that intermittently occurs in the US, Jerald Kirkwood, a Tennessee man was accidentally shot by his own dog after the pet triggered a loaded firearm.
Mr. Jerald Kirkwood reported to the police in Memphis that he and a woman were lying in bed with a firearm when his dog jumped up and inadvertently caused the weapon to discharge.
The incident occurred early Monday morning while the man was asleep.
The one-year-old pit bull, named Oreo, reportedly got its paw stuck in the trigger guard of the gun, causing it to discharge.
The victim sustained a graze wound to his left thigh and was treated at a local hospital before being released.
Law enforcement officials confirmed the bizarre shooting on Wednesday, reminding gun owners to always store firearms safely to prevent such accidents.
However, the police did not specify the type of weapon fired and recorded the incident as an accidental injury.
While gun violence is quite common in the United States, cases of animals shooting humans are said to be rare.
Two years ago, a German Shepherd shot and killed a 30-year-old man in Kansas after stepping on a hunting rifle.
Similarly, in 2018, a 51-year-old man from Iowa was shot in the leg by his pit bull-Labrador mix.
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